Средину прошлог века је својом лепотом обележила ова жена персонификација божанства како се овде каже. На почетку прошлог века је био рат, шездесетих је освојен Месец и сада имамо један одвратан рат, а верује се да ће и средину овог века обележити сталне човекове насеобине на Месецу и Марсу. Да ли се то ти временски циклуси стално понављају као ледена доба како је уочио Миланковић ?
Marilyn Monroe was born Norma Jeane Mortenson in Los Angeles and later took her mother’s surname, Baker. Her mother was frequently confined in an asylum, and Norma Jeane was reared by 12 successive sets of foster parents and, for a time, in an orphanage.
Marilyn Monroe was an American actress, comedienne, singer, and model. She became one of the world’s most enduring iconic figures and is remembered both for her winsome embodiment of the Hollywood sex symbol and her tragic personal and professional struggles within the film industry.
With her breathy voice and hourglass figure, she would soon become one of Hollywood’s most famous actresses. She proved her skill by winning various honors and attracting large audiences to her films. Monroe became a much-admired international star despite chronic insecurities regarding her acting abilities.